Bill Benenson and Team Visit the White House with BEASTS OF NO NATION

Bill Benenson and Team Visit the White House with BEASTS OF NO NATION

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) joins Beasts of No Nation executive producer Bill Benenson and star Abraham Attah at a reception following the White House screening of the film. Bill was thrilled at the reception the film received as well as the opportunity to further raise awareness on the issue of child soldiers and the importance of providing access to education to children in conflict zones. Shining a spotlight on these troubling developments helps combat the recruitment and use of child soldiers, and highlights the necessity to rebuild communities and restore hope post-conflict.

In Leader Pelosi’s words, “This is very special, the imprimatur of the Obama Administration is on this work of art, which is of course a statement of challenge to the conscience of all of us…”